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DiDenti reported they will be attending the Spring 2016 General Assembly Conference from April 29 - May 1, 2016. College President Not present Vice President of Instruction Not present Vice President of Student Services Not present Senators (please include any input regarding ongoing AS discussions) B. Arteaga announced that there was a new campus club, Supporting Academic Success for Immigrant Students (SASIS), whose goal is to increase services for immigrant students. A summit will be held on April 16, 2016 in collaboration with local high schools and region 4 community colleges. She encouraged the senators to share the information with their students. Senate President A. Rosette reported that the faculty participation email responses are showing a lot of uncaptured participation. There was a brief conversation with S. Kinsella on how to focus the participation. Committee appointments have been met, with EEO committee being represented by B. Arteaga and R. Morales. Faculty hire committees and tenure review committees are filled. The Presidential Hiring appointments have been made, with L. Tenney and E. Luna as representatives. As far as the process, the senate went to the board and will have full participation on the interviews and public forums. Academic Senate Standing Committees Faculty of the Year Committee: reminded everyone to have constituents vote. Information: Non-Credit ad hoc Group (15) The Non-Credit ad hoc group will provide a brief presentation of what they have accomplished since being formed; the senate will provide direction on how it would like for it to proceedboth regarding the membership of the group as well as the priorities the group is to focus on. Reporting timelines will also be discussed. D. Klein updated the senate on what is being currently worked on in the group. The group met a few times and it occurred that the campus is in transition with incoming funds for non-credit. The credit side of the house is keeping touch with the non-credit side to avoid changes that could affect a program. Its an ongoing, collaborative effort. The last page of the report has the three areas that can be focused on for this semester and beyond. The focus will be on CTE, English and Math since their programs are in the early stages. There was a great discussion on evaluating progress in non-credit, which is a heated debate. Non-credit progress is made through positive attendance, which is shifting so students can keep moving along without stagnation. Working conditions is another issue and the group is collaborating with GCFA to work on this issue with senate input and direction. B. Lawn commented that the senate now has a place holder to be a participant in the issue of non-credit due to the work of the non-credit ad hoc group. Senate can now have direct contact with the group and take issues to administration. This is a welcoming link. A. Rosette added that the goal is to strengthen the links between senate and the committees. L. Tenney asked where the non-credit is in terms of math courses. S. Dharia announced that the math department made the decision and the next step is the Curriculum Committee. A. Rosette added that the connection between senate and curriculum needs to be strengthened. The working issues will also be a curriculum conversation. Curriculum has been asked to discuss these issues. E. Venable pointed out that when non-credit curriculum comes through it is not labeled as lab or lecture. The question has been asked at curriculum of how to give students credit. The issue of how faculty is paid is not a curriculum issue but instead a GCFA issue. B. Lawn reminded senate that last year there was a presentation given to senate but the conversation has not been had at the institutional level. J. Hooper pointed out that the conversation of whether the non-credit courses are right for the student needs to occur. A. Rosette pointed out that out of the three issues, the workload issue will take the most time and will need curriculum input. What is proposed is for the group to continue working and this will come back as a discussion item towards the end of May so the group has time to continue the work. Grants Ad Hoc Group (5) The Grants Ad Hoc group will update the senate on the work it continues to do as it helps modify current BPs/APs regarding Grants. It will also provide a brief recommendation as to how the senate may want to proceed regarding the Basic Skills grant introduced by F. Lozano at the last AS meeting. A. Rosette distributed a draft recommendation. At the special senate meeting on March 29, 2016, this will be brought as a discussion item to seek help in finalizing the draft. Bylaws Analysis ad hoc group (5) The group will provide an update on input received from various constituent groups and solicit additional input. Additionally, the group will introduce some initial ideas for modifying the Academic Senates own bylaws and will request that senators take back to their constituencies. A. Rosette updated the senate on the Bylaws input received. The Curriculum Committee has added some recommendations, which will be included in the bylaws draft. Special Academic Meeting for March 29th, 2016 (5) The senate president will announce a special meeting for 3/29/16 and what the agenda items will be for that meeting. Since there will be no first meeting in April due to spring break, a special meeting will be held. The two items being discussed with be the Grants ad hoc recommendations and Bylaws Analysis. There will be no reports or updates. Action: College Hour Draft Resolution (15) The senate will discuss the second draft resolution (3-1-16) on the College Hour. A final draft of the proposal will be considered for action. The final draft is based on draft #2 and subsequent input submitted to A. Rosette from senators since last meeting A. Rosette distributed the draft resolution. A motion was made to open up the discussion for the College Hour Draft Resolution. MSC (J. Lango/B. Arteaga). Kinesiology: In support of College Hour and the creation of a steering committee that will help figure out how it benefits the students. One thing is that the institution needs to understand it will not work for everyone. For those who it will work for, it needs to work well. Fine Arts: Similar to Kinesiology, the department is in favor of the steering committee but for the most part against College Hour. Past President: Last year there was a lot of discussion about College Hour and not everyone was in favor of it but it passed. Its the right thing for the senate to discuss College Hour since its still a work in progress. The tone last year was to strengthen College Hour. Social Science: In support of Collee Hour and the resolution. The department is also in support of professional development, which should be made a program since there is funding that can be requested. College Hour can fall under the purview of the professional development program. S. Lawrence pointed out that the Teaching and Learning Center is supposed to do that but lacks the funding. A. Rosette added that there needs to be a pull of the individual areas to leverage the resources needed. DRC: In support of College Hour but wants to make sure it is structured so students know which events to attend. English: In support of College Hour. College Hour opens up a lot of opportunities for students. One thing that is hard to do is finding a room during College Hour. An administrator would help with these issues. Library: In support of College Hour and the resolution. Natural Sciences: In support of College Hour but it does need more structure. A motion was made to approve the resolution. MSC (J. Lango/B. Arteaga). Vote: YEA: G. Cribb, B. Arteaga, J. Hooper, J. Lango, J. Maringer-Cantu, D. Achterman, S. Dharia, G. Richards, S. Lawrence, E. Venable, D. Klein, L. Tenney. ABSTAIN: B. Lawn. The resolution is approved as presented. A. Rosette will work with K. Rose on how to proceed from this point forward with student input and representation. Discussion: Business Services Reorganization (10) Questions will be posed by the senate to the representative from the Business Services office. In addition, the senate will discuss both the immediate input it can provide as well as the long-term recommendations it has regarding this proposal. Kinesiology: The department had a question of what happens to the current security personnel. W. Ellis responded that the current officers will stay and the sheriff will only be on campus for a certain amount of hours that need to be negotiated. It will be business as usual. At-large Full-Time Faculty: The input that was given was that the cost of $200,000 for a few hours a day is expensive. W. Ellis replied that there have not been any negotiations yet so the hours and price is unknown. The sheriff has jurisdiction over the campus and the college is currently looking for a level of expertise as well as the county resources. English: It was asked why there was a need for the sheriff. F. Harris responded that there is a sense of increased danger across the nation and state. Its better to be prepared. The department also asked why there was no intercom system, mental health counseling and locked doors as described in the Active Shooter training. F. Harris responded that the sheriff doesnt preclude these items but having the sheriff on campus is the first step. The department also felt that the students may not feel safe if being policed by an officer. F. Harris replied that there are certain characteristics within the individual that the campus would be seeking. ESL: the question that arose was why there was a need for a sheriff on campus and if the $200,000 cost included the additional funds for an associate dean. There are some items the faculty would like to see to work with students. Natural Science: one point that was brought up was that since the campus was isolated a quicker response time would be appreciated and a need for more shooter training is needed. Library: They found it surprising how funds can be found for a sheriff but nothing for mental health. This needs to be researched. Social Science: The department feels there is a need for mental health resources on campus. Counseling: one response was that it has been presented elsewhere as information only and not for discussion and that this is a done deal. A. Rosette asked this question at Presidents Council and the response received is that input is welcomed. This needs to be clarified. If it is already going through negotiations then the senate needs to know this. A. Rosette added that one question that will be asked is what the drawbacks are for waiting to make this decision until a new college president is hired. It was also asked if an itemized before and after financial snapshot can be added. Another discussion needs to be focused on what constitutes a new position and what obligation does the campus have for filling that position. D. Klein pointed out that this would fall under the Senate Responsibilities 10+1. A. Rosette will meet with F. Harris to get clarity on the process and timeline then report back to the senate. Closing Items: (5) Open Forum: (time permitting) D. DiDenti announced the Veteran Ball through Rho Alpha Mu and the Veteran Resource Center will be on March 19, 2016 at Gilroys Veterans Hall. G. Cribb announced that there is work being done to strengthen the unions on campus, GCFA and CSEA, because through unity a powerful group can be created. He encouraged the department and staff to communicate through personal email. A. Rosette thanked the senators and faculty within the departments for their contributions on campus and to please let your department faculty know it is appreciated. He also encouraged other faculty to participate in the various activities. J. Maringer-Cantu wants to see discussions started on how to connect student learning programs and institutional outcomes. The question was asked on where do faculty members need to go who want to participate. A. Rosette replied that this is part of the reorganization of senate, as well as other issues which will help end confusion. B. Lawn voiced that it was nice to receive the email of the issue being presented at the board meeting and the outcome of working in unity was great. Items for next agenda by 2:00 p.m. on March 22nd, 2016 Next meeting (special): Tuesday, March 29th, 2016 from 2:30-4:00p.m. Adjournment by consensus at 4 pm. MSC (J. Lango/G. Cribb).       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